If you’d like to sample our tests, kindly email your basic info to scholare2014@gmail.com. After completing the registration process, we will email login instructions with your UN and PW.

  1. Full Name (first, middle, and last name)
  2. Grade Level (grade 10, 11, or 12)
  3. High School (complete name) and Location (town/city/province)
  4. College Admission Tests (CATs) you intend to take in 2025
  5. Year you intend to take CATs if not 2025
  6. Academic Track
  7. Describe your academic standing ( Average, Good, Very Good, Excellent)

Upon registration, you will be given a FREE trial subscription for 10 days. During this period you have 24/7 access to our test banks and can take unlimited tests. We’d like you to experience online testing, assess our tests, and understand how intensive, repetitive testing can boost your chances of passing the toughest CATs you intend to take.